Expression of Interest (EOI)
For the selection of consultant for Survey, Detail Design and Cost Estimate of the Public Buildings Reconstruction in Jajarkot and Rukum West of Karnali Province
Date of first publication: 05 April 2024
Skills and Reconstruction Project (SRP) having overall goal of "the programme is to contribute to the reconstruction ensuring gender sensitivity and social inclusion in the delivery, leaving no-one behind" is a Swiss Agency for Development and Cooperation SDC project implemented by Helvetas Nepal. This project will contribute to achieving two outputs of reconstruction of damaged public infrastructure such as schools and health posts, and a total of 500 masons (20% women; 50% DAGs) trained in earthquake (EQ) resilient construction practices from the most affected area in Karnali Province.
SRP/Helvetas Nepal intends to call for EoI from the eligible and interested consulting firms to procure the consulting service for Survey, Detail Design and Cost Estimate of the Public Buildings Reconstruction in Jajarkot and Rukum West of Karnali Province.
Skills and Reconstruction Project (SRP) /Helvetas Nepal
Lalitpur-3, Bakhundole, Lalitpur
G.P.O. Box - 688, Kathmandu, Nepal