Project Name:
Charging under SCI-funded project
SCNZ Integrated Early Start Project
Pathways to Wellbeing, Empowerment and Resilience for Adolescents and Youths (POWER4AY),
Strengthening CSOs and Amplifying Children’s Voices through Networking, Knowledge Sharing and Action Learning for Promoting Children’s Rights in Nepal (SANKALP)
Child Sensitive Social Protection (CSSP)-"PAHUNCH" Project.
Everest Club is a non-profit making non-government organization established in Dailekh. It is registered in DAO Dailekh on 1993 AD and affiliated with Social Welfare Council, Kathmandu and various provincial and national networks and alliances having similar vision. It is dedicated for the holistic and integrated development based on a harmonious balance of socio-culture, material and organization trusted on teamwork and development through community mobilization. We works for Child Rights and Governance,WASH, Education, Health, Water and Sanitation, Food Security, Livelihood, Youth Empowerment, Women Empowerment, Social Security, DRR/Resilience and Climate Change.
In Partnering with Save the Children, we are implementing the "POWER4AY, CSO Strengthening-SIDA"SANKALP", CSSP-"PAHUNCH" Project and SCNZ Integrated Early Start Project" in Dailekh District of Narayan Municipality, Dullu Municipality, Aathabis Municipality and Thatikandh Rural Municipality. Under the project, EC Dailekh is seeking suitable, qualified, dynamic and motivated Nepali citizens for the position.