Project Coordinator - Everest Club

Published Date: 2025-01-19
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Job Detail

  • Location:
    Surkhet, Karnali, Nepal
  • Company:
  • Shift:
    First Shift (Day)
  • Positions:
  • Experience:
    Please Check Vacancy details.
  • Gender:
    No Preference
  • Degree:
    Please check vacancy details.
  • Apply Before:
    Jan 25, 2025
  • Company Overview


    Project Name: Charging under SCI-funded project SCNZ Integrated Early Start Project Pathways to Wellbeing, Empowerment and Resilience for Adolescents and Youths (POWER4AY), Strengthening CSOs and Amplifying Children’s Voices through Networking, K... Read More

    Job Description

    Vacancy Announcement

    First Published Date:- 19th Jan 2025


    Everest Club is a non-profit making non-government organization established in Dailekh. It is registered in DAO Dailekh on 1993 AD and affiliated with the Social Welfare Council, Kathmandu and various provincial and national networks and alliances having similar vision. It is dedicated for holistic and integrated development based on a harmonious balance of socio-culture, material and organization trusted on teamwork and development through community mobilization. We work for Child Rights and Governance, WASH, Education, Health, Water and Sanitation, Food Security, Livelihood, Youth Empowerment, Women Empowerment, Social Security, DRR/Resilience and Climate Change.

    Everest Club (EC), Dailekh with the partnership of One Heart Worldwide is implementing “Strengthening Maternal Neonatal Health Services in Partnership with the Local Government (स्थानीय सरकारको साझेदारीमा मातृ तथा नवजात शिशु स्वास्थ्य सेवा सुदृढिकरण ) project in Dailekh from April 2023. Everest Club (EC) Dailekh hereby invites applications from suitable and qualified Nepalese citizens for the following positions:

    Details of Announcement:

    1. Project Coordinator – 1 (One)

    Advertised No: 17-EC-MNH-PC-081/082

    Job Description:

    Position: Project Coordinator

    Line Management Report to: Executive Director/ Chairperson

    Technical Report to: OHW District Coordinator

    Supervision: Admin Finance Officer, Field Officers and Community Mobilizer Level

    Duty Station: District Headquarters with 70% field visit.

    Project Coordinator leads the overall management of OHW-supported MNH projects in the district under the guidance of the Executive Director/Chairperson and in coordination with OHW District Coordinator. This position is responsible to provide overall programmatic and financial management in planning, implementing, and monitoring activities of his/her district.

    Major Duties and Responsibilities:

    Leadership & Management

    • Develop an annual project plan, implement, and monitor the project activities to ensure that the activities are implemented following the DIP and program implementation and financial guidelines. 
    • Build sound relationships and coordinate with the Health Service Office (HSO) at the district, District Coordination Committee, urban/rural municipality, health facilities at ward level (HF) and other relevant stakeholders to maintain the program calendar and achieve program deliverables. Prepare requests of the equipment, supplies and other needs (program and administrative) and forward them to the OHW District Coordinator for further procurement.
    • Conduct the District Project Advisory Committee (DPAC) meeting as per the rule set by Social Welfare Council.
    • Identify and preempt any serious human resource issues and forward them to the line manager, support the district team for program planning and implementation 
    • Provide support and participate to conduct the performance review plan annually or as needed. 
    • Ensure appropriate usage of office equipment and supplies. 
    • Oversee financial projection, and expenditure tracking and ensure the appropriate financial management as per OHW policy on time and regularly maintain financial reporting to the cluster office. 
    • List out the program logistics at district and municipals and ensure that was registered in HO, respective municipals and health facilities and recipient inventory book before distribution to the designated facilities and personnel.
    • Develop partnership scope with municipalities in various activities like BC renovation, different training activities, community awareness activities etc.
    • Perform other duties, as required.


    • Provide technical support to HSO, municipal offices, HFs and program focal persons with a special focus on annual health review, capacity building on data management, data analysis, results-oriented program, planning, budgeting, monitoring, and evaluation methods and principles, and requirements of relevant donors to ensure compliance.
    • Take lead in tracking program progress against program indicators, and online database entry and ensures early identification of any areas needing remedial action.
    • Frequent field visits to facilitate the implementation process, routine data collection, monitoring and follow-ups.
    • Be proactive to support OHW supported Program and Admin functions
    • Assist update, reviewing, and developing technical field visit tools, and M&E tools as necessary to cope with the operating environment and establishment of effective communication systems within the district
    • Coordinate the implementation of baseline surveys, and program evaluation and conduct the monitoring and supervision visits at the district, municipal and health facility levels.
    • Promote the use of data to inform decision-making and link evidence-based approaches to the achievement of results.
    • Support operational research and specialized studies in the district.
    • Solicit and manage local data collection and research teams, as needed.
    • Contribute to preparing regular progress reports, technical deliverables, presentations, and annual work plans at the district and municipal levels.
    • Prepare monthly, quarterly and annual progress reports.
    • Receive and analyze the MNH related activities of the municipality and identify potential areas of partnership
    • Provide technical knowledge on MNH activities if requested by the municipality.

    Job Specifications (minimum job requirements):

    Academic qualification and work experience:

    • Master’s degree in Public Health with one year of previous experience in a related field 
    • or Bachelor’s degree in Public Health with three years of previous experience in a related field

    Skills and abilities:

    • Understanding of health care delivery systems in the Federal context and activities at different levels especially the municipality and district level.
    • Ability to function as a self-starter with limited supervision.
    • Knowledge and experience using MS Office packages and statistical packages, email and the internet.
    • Excellent verbal and written communication in English, Nepali and the local languages.
    • Ability to manage a team, good interpersonal skills, and experience working in a multicultural team.
    • Good analytical skills, and experience with program oversight.
    • Knowledge and experience in program management and data management.
    • Practical experience in facilitation and negotiation skills with government counterparts/ stakeholders at different levels.

    Interested candidates are encouraged to apply with their current CV and application letter to the email address addressing to The Human Resource Department, Everest Club or submit the hard copy to Everest Club District Office, Narayan Municipality-1, Naya Bazar, Dailekh by 25th January 2025,  11:59 PM. GESI group include Female, Dalit, People with Disabilities Gender, Sexual Minorities and other indigenous/minorities are highly encouraged to apply. The post holder is required to carry out the duties in accordance with the Everest Club and One Heart Worldwide policies and procedures.

    Please indicate "Application for Position" for the position while applying. Only the shortlisted candidates will be contacted for the further selection process. Canvassing at any stage of the process shall lead to automatic disqualification.

    “फौजदारी अभियोग तथा बाल अधिकार हननमा सग्लन नभएको हुनुपर्ने”


    Recruitment Committee

    (Everest Club (EC), Dailekh)

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