Vacancy Announcement
First Published Date:- 17 July, 2024
Everest Club is a non-profit making non-government organization established in Dailekh. It is registered in DAO Dailekh on 1993 AD and affiliated with Social Welfare Council, Kathmandu and various provincial and national networks and alliances having similar vision. It is dedicated for the holistic and integrated development based on a harmonious balance of socio-culture, material and organization trusted on teamwork and development through community mobilization. We works for Child Rights and Governance,WASH, Education, Health, Water and Sanitation, Food Security, Livelihood, Youth Empowerment, Women Empowerment, Social Security, DRR/Resilience and Climate Change.
Everest Club (EC), Dailekh with the partnership of CARE Nepal, iDE Nepal and consortium partner MAP International is going to implement “Mother and Child Wellbeing (MCW) project in Aathabis Municipality, Thatikandh Rural Municipality, Bhagawatimai Rural Municipality, Gurans Rural Municipality and Dungeshwor Rural Municipality of Dailekh District from July 2024. Under the project, Everest Club (EC) Dailekh hereby invites applications from suitable and qualified, dynamic and motivated Nepalese citizens for the following positions:
Details of Announcement:
Jobs Description of MEAL Officer
Advertised No: 17-EC-MCW-MEAL Officer-080/081
Designation: MEAL Officer
Number of Position: - 1 (One)
Location of the Post: Head Office, Everest Club (EC) Dailekh
Reporting to: Executive Director, Everest Club Dailekh
Position to be supervised: NA
Field: Aathabis Municipality, Thatikandh RM, Bhagawatimai RM, Gurans RM and Dungeshwor RM of Dailekh District
Key roles and responsibilities
Role Dimensions:
Ensure smooth functioning of MEAL system of organization, conduct monthly quality monitoring (70%) in line with quality benchmark, prepare quality monitoring report, share community sharing tools and conduct output monitoring. Similarly provide necessary data to the program team to finalize project report, prepare case studies/success stories/good practices for program/project. The position holder will ensure smooth functioning of FRM system, update action plan tracker and FRM, update MEAL system and program database.
Required skill, experience, and knowledge
Required documents must be submitted along with the application.
Note:- Selection Process: Written and Interview (Both)
Interested candidates are encouraged to apply with their current CV and application letter to the email address addressing to The Human Resource Department, Everest Club or submit the hard copy to Everest Club District Office, Narayan Municipality-1, Naya Bazar, Dailekh by 12 August 2024, 11:59 PM. GESI group include Female, Dalit, People with Disabilities Gender, Sexual Minorities and other indigenous/minorities are highly encouraged to apply. The post holder is required to carry out the duties in accordance with the Everest Club and CARE Nepal and IDE Nepal policies and procedures.
Please indicate "Application for Position" for the position while applying. Only the shortlisted candidates will be contacted for the further selection process. Canvassing at any stage of the processes shall lead to automatic disqualification.
Recruitment Committee
(Everest Club (EC), Dailekh)