Published Date: 2024-04-03
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  • Location:
    Dailekh, Karnali, Nepal
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  • Apply Before:
    Apr 08, 2024
  • Company Overview


    Project Name: Charging under SCI-funded project SCNZ Integrated Early Start Project Pathways to Wellbeing, Empowerment and Resilience for Adolescents and Youths (POWER4AY), Strengthening CSOs and Amplifying Children’s Voices through Networking, K... Read More

    Job Description

    Job Title: Consultant for Project SHORT VIDEOS

    Team/Programme: Integrated / SCNZ Early Start Integrated Project ( Pahilo Kadam)

    Location: Chamunda Brindasaini Municipality & Aatbish Municipality Dailekh

    Type of Contract: Short term Consultant for providing Services.

    Reporting to: Early Start Project Coordinator

    Duration of Contract: 10 April - 25 June 2024


    Everest Club was established in 1993 as a non-profit organization for cultural and social service provider, especially development of health, education, sanitation, agriculture promotion, WASH promotion, natural economy, social empowerment, disaster risk reduction and climate change adoption etc in Dailekh, Kalikot, Jumla, jajarkot District as per aspiration of Bheri zone region.

    From the beginning, it has been working to implement sustainable development with primary focus on the deprived and disadvantaged community by qualified, experienced professional and dedicated young hands. Now NGO is working for creation of self- reliance society through improve their (Focused community) socio-economic status. Everest club is working in the area of renewal energy promotion, WASH promotion, drinking water scheme functionality, income generation, sustainable soil management, small irrigation; Marketing, advocacy and networking, empowerment and organization development to creation of self- reliance society through improve their (Focused community) socio-economic status.

    With the support from Save the Children, Everest Club has been implementing Early Start project in two Palikas: Aathbish and Chamundabrindasaini of Dailekh district in partnership with Save the Children. The project overall objective is – Young children (0-3 years old) survive and thrive in a healthy, protective, stimulating environment, and develop to their full potential.

    The Early Start project has covered parenting without violence (PwV), building brain, health, and nutrition program to roll out into the community focusing on the parents/ caregiver of 0-3 years children. The PwV aims to prevent children from experiencing physical and humiliating punishment (PHP) in the home. Through its implementation, fathers, mothers and caregivers gain increased understanding of child development, child rights and positive parenting; partner and parent- child relationships are strengthened based on the principles of non-violence, non-discrimination, and gender equality. It provides a foundation to positive parenting that should be included in new-born care, nutrition, early learning, and early childhood development to support the physical, cognitive, social, and emotional development of children and to achieve Save the Children’s survive learn and be protected breakthroughs. Positive behavioural change on healthy parenting practice is the aim of PwV, building brain, saving new-born life common approach. Social and behaviour change (SBCC) approach serves effectively when it contains integrated communication tools (short videos, face to face sessions, radio drama and IVR messaging with creative elements).

    Also, the face-to-face group meeting among parents/caregivers may not be enough to transfer the traditional behaviour of parenting. Thus, the project anticipates producing short videos about positive parenting, early stimulation, health, and nutrition to reach out more parents and children in the communities. The proposed assignment is to prepare short videos capturing the project activities like role model parents or caregivers, successful parenting, etc. to be used for trainings as well as digital platforms.

    The video documentation aims to capture the impact it has made in the lives of children through various interventions the project implemented like the caregiver’s education sessions, food demonstration, equipment and materials support to the local health facilities among others. These interventions empowered caregivers to adopt behaviors that contribute to children's holistic development.   Parenting without violence (PwV) newly termed as safe family, building brain, health and nutrition program was  rolled out the community focusing on the parents/ caregiver of 0-3 years children.

    Objective of the Assignment:

    To develop a high-quality, 3-5 minute documentary video capturing the impact of the Early Start Project interventions at the municipality level.

    The video will cover the following sections:

    • Problem Statement: This section will present background information, the scenario before project implementation, and any data supporting the initial issues. Narration will be used to convey this information.
    • Process:This section will showcase the implementation process. It will detail how coordination occurred with parents, local government, health facilities, and other stakeholders. This will be presented through narration and interviews. A project staff member (from Save the Children or the Everest Club) will be interviewed to explain this aspect.
    • Intervention: This section will utilize B-roll footage of caregiver group sessions and food demonstration sessions. Interviews with caregivers will be included, where they can share what they learned in the sessions, observed changes in their behavior, and what prompted them to change their parenting practices.
    • Result: Here, B-roll footage will depict how children are being raised today and the changes in community social norms. This could include scenes of caregivers playing and communicating with their children. Interviews with a ward chairperson or the health post in-charge (someone who can provide a broader perspective on the community impact) may also be included.

    Sustainability and Outcome:  Narration will explain government plans and efforts to support and continue the project's good practices.

    The product will be shared with donor/member countries, local and provincial governments, other stakeholders to demonstrate the success of the project interventions and its impact at the project sites. And it will also be archived and featured in organizational website and social media platforms as resource material for other similar projects. 


    The consultants will be working with Early Start Project team and responsible for producing one video featuring of overall impact of Early Start project starting from the context (situation of children/mothers/ parents and caregivers before the project showing the problem statement), process, interventions, results, sustainability initiatives and its impact. Additionally, the consultant will be responsible for undertaking field movement to observe the project activities including meeting/interaction with direct beneficiaries, other stakeholders, officials from Local government and project team. Also, interviewing with them based upon semi structured questioners. They should carry out field visit to project site and interact and capture project activities, analysis of achievement, as per agreed script and design and ensure timely completion of assigned task. They will be responsible to ensure the quality of work based on provided guideline and instructions from SCI media communication team and Everest Club. Some aspects of this position will require working within very remote communities and so the consultant should be prepared to walk for long distances and may spend few days in remote locations when necessary.

    Target Audience

    Donors and member countries, local/provincial governments, development agencies and other stakeholders etc.

    Location and Official travel involved:

    The consultant will have to travel to two municipalities (Aathbis and ChamundaBrindasaini) of Dailekh as assigned by Everest Club.

    Click on the links below for detailed TOR and Consultancy Proposal Form:

    Terms of Reference

    Consultancy Proposal Form

    Proposal Submission Guideline/Required Documents
    Key guidance for proposals:

    Provide evidence on video documentary:-role profile for Project short videos on different themes from integrated package to be screened during group sessions; on role model caregivers; on a child to portray successful parenting

    • Consultants are also required to include 1 or more samples of Video produced for I/NGOs.

    Proposal Submission Deadline- 8/April/2024

    Required Documents-

    • Filled out Consultancy Proposal Form (enclosed with this ToR)
    • CV(s) of the proposed consultant(s) with full date of birth in dd/mm/yyyy format.
    • For firms: Copies of- Firm registration certificate, VAT registration certificate, and Latest tax clearance certificate. For firms that are tax exempted by the government, a copy of tax exemption certificate should be submitted.
    • For Individuals (Nepali): Copies of citizenship certificate and PAN/VAT registration certificate;
    • For Individuals (Foreign Nationals): Copies of passport and a valid visa/permit to work in Nepal.

    If an individual is a full-time staff member of another organization, a no objection/consent letter signed by the organization head must be submitted along with the proposal. This is not applicable for proposals sent through a firm.

    Proposals should be submitted to the following address [The proposals can be dropped at the Reception of Everest Club office]:

    Supply Chain Department

    Everest Club, Narayan Municipality, Dailekh

    Tel: 089-420257/ 420247

    Mob:- +977-9848180234

    Budget to be proposed.

    Or via email to everestclub.supplychain@gmail.com Budget to be proposed.


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