Individual Consultant - Capacity Building Officer - United Nations Development Program (UNDP) Nepal

Published Date: 2024-05-05
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Job Detail

  • Location:
    Okhaldhunga, Koshi, Nepal
  • Company:
  • Type:
    Full Time
  • Shift:
    First Shift (Day)
  • Experience:
    Please Check Vacancy details.
  • Gender:
    No Preference
  • Degree:
    Please check vacancy details.
  • Apply Before:
    May 13, 2024
  • Company Overview


    UNDP is based on the merging of the United Nations Expanded Programme of Technical Assistance, created in 1949, and the United Nations Special Fund, established in 1958. UNDP, as we know it now, was established in 1966 by the General Assembly of the... Read More

    Job Description

    Terms of Reference

    Implementation Support in Capacity Building Activities

    Type: Individual Consultant

    Location: DCRL PIU Okhaldhunga and travel to field sites

    Additional Category: Resilience and Climate Change

    Starting Date: 27 May 2024

    Duration: 120 days from 27 May 2024 to 15 September 2024 (including field visits)


    Among all physiographic regions of Nepal, the mountain regions are the most vulnerable, because warming trends are growing and impacts are magnified by the extreme changes due to variation in altitude. The Mountain catchments of Nepal aregeologiclly fragile particularly prone to erosion, drought, landslides and floods, due to coincidence of seasonal snow melt with the summer monsoon season. Climate change is intensifying the monsoon rainfall and increasing snow and glacial melt rates, which is contributing to increased frequency and severity of flood and landslide disasters which result in extensive economic, life and livelihood losses annually. At the other extreme, water scarcity and droughts also pose a threat to the agriculture-reliant livelihoods of these regions. Climate change is increasing the temporal and spatial variability of rainfall and runoff, thus intensifying the problem of excess water during the monsoon and water scarcity during the dry season, increasing economic damages to agriculture, property, and the environment, disrupting lives and livelihoods and threatening food security.

    Land degradation is a serious global environmental problem and one of the major socio-economic issues that has received huge international attention (IPBES 2018). Nearly 29% of global land in different agro-ecological zones categorized as “land degradation hotspots” has undergone rampant loss of ecosystem services resulting in ecosystem collapse (Cerretelli et al. 2017). The lost ecosystem services due to land degradation are valued at $6.3 trillion per annum, which is approximately 10% of global gross domestic product (GDP) (Sutton et al. 2016). In this regard, it seems urgent to restore the deforested and degraded land for meeting the global agendas, including climate change mitigation and sustainable development (Erbaugh et al., 2020).

    DCRL is aiming to restore degraded land in the project area in order to restore functional integrity of lower Dudhkoshi watershed and its ecosystem benefits. Using watersheds as organizing units for planning and implementation of natural resource management and resilient livelihood development is an approach to effectively tackle an immediate and long-term climate risk reduction issues, in relation to floods and droughts. Taking watershed management concerns into consideration GON/UNDP is implementing “Developing climate resilient livelihoods in the vulnerable watershed in Nepal” in Dudhkoshi watershed (area 844, beneficiaries 121,606 people) covering total 8 local government units (Palikas) of Khotang and Okhaldhunga. The project mainly aims to address climate change induced hazards, introducing and scaling up integrated adaptive watershed management practices. The project has two outcomes;

    1. Integrated Watershed Management Framework has been established to address climate change induced floods and draughts, and
    2. Integrated Watershed Management Practices introduced and scaled up in Lower Developing Climate Resilient Livelihoods in the Vulnerable Watershed in Nepal Dudhkoshi watershed area.

    Please click on the link below to download the detailed TOR:

    Terms of Reference-Individual Consultant

    Deadline Date: May 13, 2024, 5:00 PM (Nepal Time)

    For additional information and documents and for further application procedures, click on the link below:

    Procurement | United Nations Development Programme (


    An applicant needs to submit following documents while applying for the assignment:

    • Technical and Financial Proposal (in separate sealed envelope)
    • Copy of proof of identity and academic certificates
    • Signed CV of the applicant inluding evidence of past experiences


    Applicants will be evaluated on the basis of ‘Combined Scoring method’ that will give due consideration where the technical proposal i.e. work experience in relevant field, proven capacity on assessment on related work at national level will be weighted a maximum of 70% and combined with the financial proposal offer which will be weighted a maximum of 30%.

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