KIRDARC Nepal is implementing a project entitled – “Improving Reading & Writing Skills of Children in Kalikot (IRWSCK) Project” in Naraharinath Rural Municipality of Kalikot district in financial & technical support of PLAN International Nepal. In order to support the children of Naraharinath, Kalikot, KIRDARC Nepal therefore invites the sealed tender from interested suppliers’/service providers for the supply of Pustak Thaili according to the quantity and specifications as mentioned in the TOR.
Required documents/items:
Procedures for the submission of the sealed bid:
Interested and eligible manufacturers/suppliers/service providers are requested to submit the sealed quotation on the basis of attached TOR to KIRDARC Nepal Coordination Office, Sanepa, Lalitpur (Phone: 01-5421678/5448321) or KIRDARC Nepal Provincial Office, Surkhet (Phone: 083-525664) or KIRDARC Nepal District Office, Kalikot (087-440150) clearly marking the heading “Sealed bid for the supply of Pustak Thaili” till 14th May 2024, 16:00 Hrs. (Nepali Time).
Sealed Bids received after the deadline will not be considered and only shortlisted manufacturer/suppliers/service providers will be called for further process. Canvassing at any stage of process shall lead to automatic disqualification. The organization reserves all rights to qualify/disqualify application with or without providing any reasons whatsoever. All bids will be treated with the highest confidentiality.