Invitation for sealed bids
For the supply of Pustak Thaili Materials
First date of publication: 2081/03/14 (28th June 2024)
KIRDARC Nepal is implementing a project entitled – “Improving Reading & Writing Skills of Children in Kalikot (IRWSCK) Project” in Naraharinath Rural Municipality of Kalikot district in financial & technical support of PLAN International Nepal. In order to support the children of Naraharinath, Kalikot, KIRDARC Nepal therefore invites the sealed tender from interested suppliers’/service providers for the supply of Pustak Thaili according to the quantity and specifications as mentioned in the TOR.
1. Term of references and Bid Form:
2. COI, child safeguarding and code of conduct:
Required documents/items:
Procedures for the submission of the sealed bid:
Interested and eligible manufacturers/suppliers/service providers are requested to submit the sealed quotation on the basis of attached TOR to KIRDARC Nepal Coordination Office, Sanepa, Lalitpur (Phone: 01-5421678/5448321) or KIRDARC Nepal Provincial Office, Surkhet (Phone: 083-525664) or KIRDARC Nepal District Office, Kalikot (087-440150) clearly marking the heading “Sealed bid for the supply of Material for Pustak Thaili” till 4th July 2024.
Sealed Bids received after the deadline will not be considered and only shortlisted manufacturer/suppliers/service providers will be called for further process. Canvassing at any stage of process shall lead to automatic disqualification. The organization reserves all rights to qualify/disqualify application with or without providing any reasons whatsoever. All bids will be treated with the highest confidentiality.