Request for Proposal (RFP) for Consultancy services on formulating an organization's Advocacy Strategy Plan - Hilly Region Development Campaign (HRDC), Jajarkot

Published Date: 2024-09-09
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Job Detail

  • Location:
    Jajarkot, Karnali, Nepal
  • Company:
  • Type:
    Full Time
  • Shift:
    First Shift (Day)
  • Positions:
  • Experience:
    Please Check Vacancy details.
  • Gender:
    No Preference
  • Degree:
    Please check vacancy details.
  • Apply Before:
    Sep 15, 2024
  • Company Overview


    Introduction Welcome to HRDC Jajarkot ! To uplift of the backward communities who are out of the mainstream of development and the intense aspiration to mainstream them has led to establish one civil society organization. Hilly Region Developme... Read More

    Job Description

    Terms of Reference (TOR)


    Consultancy services on formulating an organization's Advocacy Strategy Plan


    Hilly Region Development Campaign (HRDC) is a non-profit, child-sensitive, and equal-opportunity provider local NGO of Jajarkot district. Now, HRDC is working at various locations of the district in close collaboration with local governments, and civil society networks partnering with different I/NGOs in diverse areas of development. Since 2022, HRDC in partnership with Save the Children has been implementing the SIDA-funded SANKALPA Project. The project's overall goal is to contribute to a strong civil society that demands and supports fulfilling children’s rights-holding states to be accountable and mobilize and empower children and their communities. The program will work towards this goal in the four areas of civil society strengthening, children’s agency, child rights, and civic space. As a component of the SANKALPA project, as a component of the child rights programming CSO Strengthening (SIDA-SANKALPA) project, is going to conduct a workshop and formulate a new Organizational Advocacy Strategy Plan of HRDC Jajarkot.

    To facilitate this workshop and formulation the strategy, we are looking for a competent and qualified Consultant, who will facilitate this workshop based on formulating an organization's advocacy strategy Plan of HRDC Jajarkot based on the required organization's policies, guidelines, and main strategy with also national and inter-national policies.

    The objective of the consultancy: 

    The primary objective of this assignment is to develop an advocacy strategy Plan aligning with the organization's vision, mission, goal, and objectives, which:

    • Identifies key advocacy issues and priorities for HRDC,
    • Outlines clear goals and objectives for advocacy efforts,
    • Develop actionable plans and strategies to influence relevant stakeholders, policymakers, and
    • Enhances HRDC's capacity to effectively advocate for the rights and needs of the communities it serves.

    Scope of the work

    • Facilitate organizational advocacy strategy planning workshops in person with board members, staff, and stakeholders,
    • Conduct a situational analysis to identify key advocacy issues related to HRDC’s thematic areas,
    • Map stakeholders, including government agencies, civil society organizations, media, and community groups,
    • Develop advocacy goals and objectives aligned with HRDC’s mission and vision,
    • Identify and prioritize key advocacy issues based on the situational analysis,
    • Formulate advocacy messages and campaigns tailored to different audiences,
    • Develop a detailed action plan with timelines, responsibilities, and resources needed,
    • Develop tools and materials to support ongoing advocacy efforts.

    Deliverable Timeline

    • Facilitate advocacy strategy planning workshops by 25th September 2024
    • Finalize Advocacy Strategy Plan by 20th October 2024.


    The consultant has to facilitate an Advocacy Strategy Planning workshop in person consulting date with the HRDC team. Based on the discussion and findings from the Workshop, the consultant My need to develop an organizational Advocacy Strategy Plan. In between the advocacy strategy plan write-up, may require to have meetings with the HRDC team. Mostly, Advocacy plan write-ups do not require fill movement in person.

    Consultant Specification

    The individual consultant or consultancy should have the following qualifications, specialized knowledge, and experience with the skill set to undertake this hiring service:

    • Experienced and familiar with the Organizational Development sphere of CSOs,
    • Proven experience in developing advocacy strategies for NGOs,
    • Expertise in the thematic areas - Child Protection, Education, Child Poverty, DRR, WASH, and others relevant to HRDC,
    • Strong analytical, facilitation, and communication skills,
    • Fluent in the writing both in Nepali and English,
    • Minimum bachelor's degree in relevant field and master's degree preference, 
    • Knowledge of the socio-political context of Karnali Province, particularly Jajarkot.

    Supervision Arrangements

    The consultant will report to the Project Coordinator of SIDA funded CSO Strengthening Project and the Executive Director of HRDC Jajarkot.

    General assumptions and dependencies 

    The consultant will abide by all the laws and policies of HRDC Janjarkot. HRDC will orient to consultancy during the contract signing. Entire presentations, fact findings, and plans will be assets of the HRDC.

    Budget and payment information  

    • The payment will be made after the completion of all the deliverables and submission of final reports.
    • All the agreed budget under contract will be inclusive of all the taxes by the Government of Nepal.

    Other important information

    The sub-contracting from the consultant for the services is not acceptable.

    How to apply for the services

    Qualified and interested firms/individuals are requested to apply with the below-mentioned documents and application letter to the email address addressing to "The Supply Chain Department", Hilli Region Development Campaign or submit the hard copy to Hilli Region Development Campaign District Office, Bheri municipality 4, Gairikhali Jajarkot, Jajarkot by 15th September 2024, 5 pm.

    Filled out Consultancy Proposal Form (enclosed with this ToR)

    • A complete proposal stating the methodology of implementation, procedure, timeline, and content of this activity.
    • An application letter including the financial proposal for the stated task and contact information for Two work-related referees. Organizational will not be liable for any other cost other than that mentioned in the financial Proposal.
    • CV(s) of the proposed consultant(s) with the full date of birth in dd/mm/yyyy format. 
    • For firms: Copies of- Firm registration certificate, VAT registration certificate, and latest Tax clearance certificate. For firms that are tax exempted by the government, a copy of tax exemption certificate should be submitted.
    • For Individuals (Nepali): Copies of citizenship certificate and PAN/VAT registration certificate. 
    • Applications not including all the above information will not be reviewed.

    Note: This Terms of Reference (TOR) for consultancy service, is an annex part of the Resource Person Hiring Contract of formulating an organization's advocacy strategy and policy 2081 of Hilli Region Development Campaign, Jajarkot based on the required organization's policies, guidelines and main strategy with also national and international policies by Hilli Region Development Campaign Janjarkot,

    Proposals should be submitted to the following address via email:

    For more information and queries

    Hilli Region Development Campaign Jajarkot

    Tel No: 089430089,089430332

    The deadline for responses is: By 15th September 2024, Office time (17:00 Hrs).

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