Terms of Reference (ToR): Preparation & Update of Local Disaster and Climate Resilience Plan - Panchtara Yuwa Samrakshak Manch (PTYSM) ,Jajarkot

Published Date: 2025-01-05
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Job Detail

  • Location:
    Surkhet, Karnali, Nepal
  • Company:
  • Shift:
    First Shift (Day)
  • Experience:
    Please Check Vacancy details.
  • Gender:
    No Preference
  • Degree:
    Please check vacancy details.
  • Apply Before:
    Jan 11, 2025
  • Company Overview


    Panchtara Yuwa Samrakshak Manch (PTYSM) Jajarkot is an NGO dedicated to upholding the rights of marginalized and excluded communities through community empowerment, promoting equality and social justice, livelihood improvement (by vocational skills,... Read More

    Job Description

    Terms of Reference (ToR)

    Preparation & Update of Local Disaster and Climate Resilience Plan

    1. Background

    Panch Tara Yuwa Samrakshan Manch (PTYSM) has been implementing EA Project (Enhancing Access of Persons with Disabilities and Vulnerable People to Health-Rehabilitation and Socio-economic Service). 

    PTYSM has been implementing this project in coordination with local municipal government with technical and financial support of Handicap International in Bheri Municipality and Nalgad Municipality of Jajarkot district. The major focus of this project is to support local government and private social service providers and beneficiaries to enhance access to and utilization of social services such as health and rehabilitation, economic inclusion, health sector emergency preparedness and responses, through a multi-sectoral and holistic approach. 

    The activity of this project is also focused on community-based adaptation and disaster resilience action to address the impacts of climate change. The main objective of the project is to enhance adaptation and resilience capacity to address the impact of climate change of the population. 

    Bheri Municipality and Nalgad Municipality face various disaster risks due to their geographical location, fragile geology, and socio-economic conditions and increasing impacts of climate change. PTYSM has planned to conduct following assignments in coordination with respective municipal government authorities, i. Conduct ward level Vulnerability Capacity Assessment (VCAs) and prepare Local Disaster and Climate Resilience Plan (LDCRP) of Nalgad municipality and ii. Update the existing Local Disaster Climate Resilience Plan (LDCRP) of Bheri municipality with inclusion perspective. The LDCRP will provide a strategic framework to the local government for enhancing disaster resilience and climate adaptation in these areas. 

    This Terms of Reference (ToR) define objectives, scope, roles, responsibilities, and structure for the Local Disaster and Climate Resilience Plan (LDCRP). This is a call for consultancy support services, from all qualified individuals or firms for conducting the assignment described below.

    2. Objectives of the Assignment

    The overall objective of this assignment is to prepare Local Disaster and Climate Resilience Plan (LDCRP) of the Nalgad Municipality and update LDCRP of Bheri Municipality with inclusion perspective, as per LDCRP guidelines 2017, Government of Nepal.

    The specific objectives are:

    • To identify and analyze local level vulnerabilities to disaster and climate change risks, level of risk and capacity and formulate a plan with the activities prioritizing disaster and climate risk management for building resilient society.
    • To prepare inclusive LDCRP guideline with action plan that includes both responsibilities and budget for disaster risk reduction, climate change adaptation, emergency response and post-disaster rehabilitation and reconstruction.

    3. Scope of Assignment

    The scope of the consultancy will undertake the following tasks but is not to limited: 

    • Consultation, Collaboration and Planning for VCA and LDCRP: The consultant will work closely with municipal authorities, relevant stakeholders (including HI and Partners). Orientation, briefing and planning meeting with municipal authorities and project team should be conducted as per the need in the process of conducting VCA and LDCRP update and preparation. 
    • Conduct Vulnerability and Capacity Assessment (VCA) of the wards: Collecting and reviewing of existing data on disaster and climate risks and community vulnerabilities. Plan and manage field visits for conducting ward level VCAs and to prepare and update the LDCRP. 
    • Prepare/ Update inclusive Local Disaster and Climate Resilience Plan (LDCRP): Based on the field findings and review of existing documents, inclusive LDCRP will be prepared as per LDCRP guideline 2017, Government of Nepal. The draft report will be reviewed and validated in consultation with stakeholders including municipal authorities, project team, technical input from HI. All collected feedback will be incorporated and the final report will be prepared and submitted to respective municipalities.

    4. Methodology

    The consultant adheres to the Local Disaster and Climate Resilience Plan (LDCRP) guidelines 2017 and detail methodology should be mentioned in the technical proposal.

    5. Deliverables

    The followings are the expected deliverables:

    • Inception Report: An inception report that includes conceptual understanding of issue and research framework, concrete research questions aligned with research objectives, methodology for data collection, tools used and analysis including work plan, and time schedules, and the tentative table of content for the final report
    • Ward wise inclusive VCA report to be shared with respective and municipality (Bheri and Nalgad) 
    • Final inclusive LDCRP report of Bheri Municipality: Written in Nepali language acceptable by the municipality 
    • Final inclusive LDCRP report of Nalgad Municipality: Written in Nepali language acceptable by the municipality 
    • Summary report report/ brief process report on conducting VCA and LDCRP (Nepali/ English) – for PTYSM & HI 

    6. Timeline: The consultancy is expected to be completed in 26 days from the inception period. 

    (Community consultation and workshop-12 days, Validation workshop-2 days, Final Report preparation and submission to municipalities.) 

    7. Special Terms & Conditions / Specific Criteria

    • Minimum 5 years of relevant experience, preferably in developing disaster risk reduction or management plans in development sectors, I/NGOs.
    • Skills and experience in preparing the strategic action plan of local governments (preferably LAPA, LDCRP, DPRP, short term and long-term development plan).
    • Good communication and written skills. On time delivery of the outputs.
    • Sensitive towards gender, disability and social inclusion. Adhering to the Child Protection and Safeguarding Policy of the organization.

    8. Roles and Responsibilities: 

    The consultant will be responsible for:

    • Develop and share tools for undertaking the assignments to deliver the envisaged outputs.
    • Develop and share a final work plan for undertaking an assignment with the support from the project 
    • Conduct/facilitation ward level workshops and field visits/assessments after the agreed tools and work plan.
    • Data compilation and analysis 
    • Presentation/provide of draft findings to the municipal authorities, PTYSM and HI. 
    • Finalization and update the existing LDCRP according to feedback provided. 
    • The consultant will report to PTYSM and will work closely with the project team and task force committee of municipality throughout the consultancy period.

    9. Evaluation Criteria

    PTYSM will review the proposals based on consultant's similar working experience and knowledge on the research topic and issue together with the proposed person, number of days for delivery and financial proposal in the submitted application.

    10. Required documents: 

    • A cover letter expressing the interest in the assignment.
    • A detailed proposal outlining approach, methodology, and timeline and CVs of team members.
    • A financial proposal outlining the cost associated with the assignment
    • Firm/individual registration and renewed certificate.
    • PAN /VAT registration certificate
    • Tax clearance certificate/ Tax exemption certificate whichever applicable.
    • One Sample of report related to the assignment.

    11. Payment Modality

    The Consultant shall be paid in three installments upon request with tax invoices:

    • First Installment: 30% of the contract amount shall be paid upon submission of inception report with detailed methodology framework and plan and acceptable to the procuring entity.
    • Second installment: 40% of the contract amount shall be paid upon submission of the draft report and acceptable to the procuring entity.
    • Third/Final Installment: 30% of the contract amount shall be paid upon completion and submission and acceptance of the final report.

    12. To apply

    Interested firms,  experts and individuals, with  above requirements are requested to apply by submitting their proposal (not more than 6 pages) that clearly outlines the following to accomplish the assignment emailed to ptysm.procurement@gmail.com with subject line Preparation of Local Disaster and Climate Resilience Plan by 27th Paush 2081 (11 January, 2025).

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