सोसेक नेपाल, नेपालको ग्रामीण समुदायमा बसोबास गर्ने पिछडिएका तथा पछाडि पारिएका जनताको सामाजिक आर्थिक तथा सांस्कृतिक अवस्थाको वृहत्तर सुधारका लागि मुनाफा रहित सेवा प्रदायक संस्थाको रूपमा २०५४ सालमा स्थापना भएको सामाजिक संस्था हो । संस्थाले कर्णाली प्रदेश लगायत सुदुर पश्चिम तथा लुम्बिनी प्रदेशका विभिन्न जिल्लाका ग्रामीण समुदायमा बसोबास गर्ने पिछडिएका समुदायको सामाजिक, आर्थिक र सांस्कृतिक स्थितिमा सुधारका लागि विभिन्न निकायको सहकार्य र सहयोगमा विभिन्न परियोजना/कार्यक्रमहरू कार्यान्वयन गर्दै आएको छ । संस्थाले निम्नबमोजिमका विषयबस्तहरूलाई आधार मानी आफ्ना गतिविधिहरूलाई सञ्चालन गर्दै आएको छ: (क) असमानता विरुद्ध, (ख) उत्थानशिल जिबिकोपार्जन, (ग) सुरक्षा र जिबन रक्षा, (घ) खानेपानी तथा पोषण, (ङ) समावेशी र अनौपचारिक शिक्षा र (च) बाल समृद्धि । महिला तथा बालबालिकाको संरक्षण/सुरक्षा र भ्रष्टाचार बिरुद्ध शुन्य सहनशिलताको नीतिलाई अबलम्बन गर्दै आइरहेको छ ।
सोसेक नेपालका लागि तपसिलमा उल्लेखित कर्मचारी आवस्यक भएकोले सलग्न जेडी अनुसार योग्यता पुगेका नेपाली नागरिकवाट व्यक्तिबाट आवेदन पेश गर्नको लागि सूचित गरिन्छ । यो सूचना प्रकाशित मितिले ५ (पाच) दिन भित्र संस्थाको Link https://ee-eu.kobotoolbox.org/x/gGBN6Ewc मार्फत वायोडाटा सहितको निबेदन हुन अनुरोध गरिन्छ ।
SOSEC Nepal Career Opportunity Various Position
1.Position: Project Coordinator- CRG CP)
Vacancy No: Adv No.:014-001-080/81
Duty Location: Based in Chamunda Bindrasaini Municipality Dailekh
Contract Duration: Long term position, renewal in annual basic
Direct reports to: Program Manager
Matrix Reports: Project Focal Person- Save the Children
Report to this position: Field Staffs of Sahayatra III Project
Benefit: Salary/Time Off/PF/Gratuity/Insurance/Festival Allowance
Budget Responsibilities: As per the SOD/Project Agreement
Types of Exams: Written and Interview
Please find the link of JD for detail information
2.Position: Supply Chain officer
Vacancy No: Adv No.: 014-002-080/81
Duty Location: Based in Chamunda Bindrasaini Municipality Dailekh
Contract Duration: Long term position, renewal in annual basic
Direct reports to: Admin finance Coordinator
Matrix Reports: Project Focal Person- Save the Children
Report to this position: Field Staffs of Sahayatra III Project
Benefit: Salary/Time Off/PF/Gratuity/Insurance/Festival Allowance
Types of Exams: Written and Interview
Please find the link of JD for detail information
3Position: MEAL Coordinator
Vacancy No: Adv No.: 014-003-080/81
Duty Location: Birendranagar Municipality Surkhet
Contract Duration: Long term position, renewal in annual basic
Direct reports to: Program Manager
Matrix Reports: Project Focal Person- Hamro pratigya (PIN)
Report to this position: Field Staffs of Hamro Pratigya Project
Benefit: Salary/Time Off/PF/Gratuity/Insurance/Festival Allowance
Budget Responsibilities: As per the SOD/Project Agreement
Types of Exams: Written and Interview
Please find the link of JD for detail information
Competencies |
Description |
Child Safeguarding |
We need to keep children safe so our selection process, which includes rigorous background checks, reflects our commitment to the protection of children from abuse. |
Decisiveness |
We are comfortable to make transparent decisions and to adapt decision-making modes to the context and needs. |
Influencing |
We have the ability to engage with diverse stakeholders in a way that leads to increased impact for the organization. We spot opportunities to influence effectively and where there are no opportunities, we have the ability to create them in a respectful and impactful manner. |
Humility |
We put ‘we’ before ‘me’ and place an emphasis on the power of the collective, nurture the team and play to the strengths of each individual. We are not concerned with hierarchical power, and we engage with, trust and value the knowledge and expertise of others across all levels of the organization |
Relationship Building |
We understand the importance of building relationship, within and outside the organization. We have the ability to engage with traditional and non-traditional stakeholders in ways that lead to increased impact for the organisation. |
Listening |
We are good listeners who can see where deeper levels of thoughts and tacit assumptions differ. Our messages to others are clear, and consider different preferences. |
Mutual Accountability |
We can explain our decisions and how we have taken them based on our organizational values. We are ready to be held to account for what we do and how we behave, as we are also holding others to account in a consistent manner. |
TraffickingHuman |
trafficking refers to the modern form of slavery that involves the use of force, fraud, or coercion to exploit individuals for financial gain. It violates human rights and can have devastating effects on victims and their family. |
Qualified and Interested Nepali individuals are requested to submit their CV & cover letter along with SOSEC Nepal’s by 13 August 2024 through the Link https://ee-eu.kobotoolbox.org/x/gGBN6Ewc Only short-listed candidates will be contacted for further selection process. Any kind of external influence will automatically disqualify the candidate.
All rights related with recruitment process will be held by recruitment committee. Women, Dalit, Sexual and Gender minorities, and people from marginalized community are encouraged to apply. The candidates must be sensitive on Child & adult safeguarding issues. For the further quires contact to SOSEC Nepal Phone no: 089-410096/410187, www.sosec.org.np
Recruitment Committee
Source : Yugaawhan Dainik 10 Aug, 2024