Federation of Community Forestry Users, Nepal
Vacancy Announcement
Published Date: 23rd Dec, 2024
To address this issue Federation of Community Forestry Users Nepal (FECOFUN), a formal national network of Community Forest User Groups (CFUGs) established in 1995 to promote and protect the rights of community forest users through advocacy, capacity building, and economic empowerment. It also aims to ensure good governance and institutional development of CFUGs; Green Foundation Nepal (GFN) is a non-profit oriented organization established in 2012 with main focus on promoting e social entrepreneurship; and Center for Indigenous Peoples’ Research and Development (CIPRED) established in July 2011 with an initiation of a team of professionals representing different indigenous groups in Nepal having core values based on the principle of working for and with the Indigenous Peoples, Women, Youths and Local Communities on the issues of climate change, education, natural resource management, good governance, protection and promotion of Indigenous Peoples' traditional knowledge, cultural practices, health and traditional skill based entrepreneurship development implementing the project called “Securing and Deeping the Community Forests Rights in Nepal through Local Governments and Coordinated Local Actions” since July 2020 has been working across the selected municipalities in Nepal to ensure and secure the rights of communities and Indigenous Peoples over forests and land resources. The overall objective of the project is to facilitate local governments, forest communities, and IPs to secure community forest rights for better forest governance, livelihoods, and community-based forest enterprises through sustainable management of forests. The project is funded through the International Land and Forest Tenure Facility (TF) Sweden. So, to secure the IP and LCs rights through sustainable management of forest effectively, we announced following positions:
Position: Cluster Project Coordinator (s)
Location: The Cluster Project Coordinator is a field-based position of Federation of Community Forestry User Group Nepal (FECOFUN) at seven provinces of Nepal. The Cluster Project Coordinator directly reports to the Central project staff and National Project Coordinator.
No of Positions: Few
Key Tasks and Responsibilities:
The Cluster Project Coordinator will be responsible for the following tasks during the implementation of the Tenure Facility project in Nepal.
Qualification and Experience Requirements:
Application Submission Deadline (6th January, 2025)
Eligible and interested candidates are requested to submit the following documents to demonstrate their relevant qualifications and experience (in single PDF file):
The application should be sent to the FECOFUN official email: vacancy@fecofun.org.np by 6th Jan, 2025.
FECOFUN reserves all rights to qualify/disqualify application with or without providing any reasons.