Expression of Interest (EOI) for Consultancy Services - Women Association for Marginalized Women (WAM) Surkhet

Published Date: 2024-08-12
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Job Detail

  • Location:
    Birendranagar, Surkhet, Karnali, Nepal
  • Company:
  • Positions:
  • Experience:
    Please Check Vacancy details.
  • Gender:
    No Preference
  • Degree:
    Please check vacancy details.
  • Apply Before:
    Aug 18, 2024
  • Company Overview


    The Women Association for Marginalized Women (WAM) Was Funded in 2054 (1997) and run by women working towards the dignity, empowerment and self-reliance of women. Over the years. WAM has established itself as a gender resource organization (GRO). Read More

    Job Description

    Expression of Interest (EOI)


    First date of publication: 2081/04/28 (12 August 2024)

    Women Association for Marginalized Women (WAM) is a respected and impactful local non-governmental organization located in Birendranagar-8, Aawas Cheetra Surkhet. WAM was a funded in 2054 (1997) and run by women working towards the dignity, empowerment, and self-reliance of women.  It is a non-profitable NGO which works to reduce the gap between men and women on social, economic and cultural aspect for promoting the equitable society. It helps the women to empower themselves conducting the awareness activities related to traditional beliefs, violence against women, gender and social discriminations and social exclusion.

    1. Expression of Interest (EOI) for Consultancy Services for TOT Training on GEDSI at Surkhet

    WAM as a women's right based organization. Various programs are conducted especially for the women empowerment and social inclusion. WAM conducts training related to gender equality and social inclusion at the community level in different time periods. The Oxfam Nepal funded by Partner's Investment Fund (PIF) project is helping to capacity strengthening of WAM. According to the agreement between the organization and Oxfam Nepal, we are doing this work with the aim of increasing the capacity of the organization.

    WAM Surkhet is seeking experienced and qualified consultants to facilitate a 3-day "Gender Equality, Disability and Social Inclusion (GEDSI)" Training of Trainers (ToT) session for our Board member and staff team. Interested consultancy firms or individual consultants should refer to the attached Terms of Reference for further details.

    ToR for consultancy service for facilitation of a Three days ToT.

    Link: Terms of reference (TOR)

    Required Documents:

    The Consultancy Firms are requested to submit the following:

    • Updated CV of the proposed human resource,
    • A brief technical proposal including understanding of EOI and proposed methodology to accomplish the deliverable and tentative work plan with timelines,
    • Detailed financial proposal, including preparation, fees, travel, accommodation, and reporting costs.
    • Company/Firm Registration certificate, Company/firm renewal certificate,  Tax clearance certificate,  Certificate of Nepali citizenship of proprietor, Copy of VAT/PAN registration etc. (applicable for firms only)

    Application Procedure:

    Interested and eligible consultancy firms/consultants are requested to submit the proposals on the basis of attached TOR to WAM Surkhet via email at with mentioned documents no later than August 18, 2024 or hardcopy submission of proposal can be done on WAM Head Office Birendranagar-8 Aawas Cheetra, Surkhet, and contact number +083-522437.

    2. Expression of Interest (EOI) for Consultancy Services for Production video Documentary and history collection of WAM

    WAM as a women's right based organization. Various programs are conducted especially for the women empowerment and social inclusion. WAM conducts training related to gender equality and social inclusion at the community level in different time periods. The Oxfam Nepal funded by Partner's Investment Fund (PIF) project is helping to capacity strengthening of WAM. According to the agreement between the organization and Oxfam Nepal, we are doing this work with the aim of increasing the capacity of the organization.

    WAM is seeking an experienced and qualified consulting firm/company or professional to lead the organization's video documentary and history collection. Interested consultancy firms or individual consultants should refer to the attached Terms of Reference for further details.

    ToR for Production video Documentary and history collection

    Link: Terms of Reference (TOR)

    Required Documents:

    The Consultancy Firms are requested to submit the following:

    • Updated CV of the proposed human resource.
    • A brief technical proposal including understanding of EOI and proposed methodology to accomplish the deliverable and tentative work plan with timelines.
    • Detailed financial proposal, including preparation, fees, travel, accommodation, and Video documentary production costs.
    • Company/Firm Registration certificate, Company/firm renewal certificate,  Tax clearance certificate,  Certificate of Nepali citizenship of proprietor, Copy of VAT/PAN registration etc. (applicable for firms only)

    Application Procedure:

    Interested and eligible consultancy firms/consultants are requested to submit the proposals on the basis of attached TOR to WAM Surkhet via email at with mentioned documents no later than August 18, 2024 or hardcopy submission of proposal can be done on WAM Head Office Birendranagar-8 Aawas Cheetra, Surkhet, and contact number +083-522437.

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