Terms of Reference (ToR): Consultancy Service to document Case story and documentation of the projects - Welthungerhilfe Nepal

Published Date: 2024-08-23
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Job Detail

  • Location:
    Karnali, Karnali, Nepal
  • Company:
  • Type:
    Full Time
  • Shift:
    First Shift (Day)
  • Positions:
  • Experience:
    Please Check Vacancy details.
  • Gender:
    No Preference
  • Degree:
    Please check vacancy details.
  • Apply Before:
    Sep 05, 2024
  • Company Overview

    Lalitpur, Nepal

    Welthungerhilfe (literally: World Hunger Help) for short – is a German non-denominational and politically independent non-profit and non-governmental aid agency working in the fields of development cooperation and humanitarian assistance. Read More

    Job Description

    Terms of Reference (ToR)

    Consultancy Service to document Case story and documentation of the projects

    Business Incubation for strengthened local agri-food systems in Karnali

    1. Background and Project introduction:

    Deutsche Welthungerhilfe e.V. is one of the largest Non-Governmental Organizations in Germany operating in the field of Humanitarian Assistance and Development. It was established in 1962, as the German section of the “Freedom from Hunger Campaign”, one of the world’s first initiatives aimed at the eradication of hunger. Welthungerhilfe’s work is still dedicated to the following vision: all people have the right to a self-determined life in dignity and justice, free from hunger and poverty.

    Welthungerhilfe (WHH) has been operational in Nepal since 2012, and currently managing different projects in eleven districts under seven thematic areas (sectors): Humanitarian Actions, Agriculture, Climate Reliance and Natural Resource Management, Nutrition & Health, WASH, Economic Development, Civil Society Empowerment and ICT4D. WHH works hand in hand with civil society in Nepal to empower socially marginalized and economically poor citizens to reinforce their resilience and to ensure their right to adequate food and nutrition.

    Welthungerhilfe Nepal (WHH) in partnership with Youth Innovation Lab (YI Lab) has been implementing “Business Incubation for strengthened local agri-food systems in Karnali” project in seven municipalities/rural municipalities of Surkhet and Dailekh district.

    The project aims to contribute to overall efforts for strengthening climate resilient agri-food systems that promote livelihood opportunities and food security for local communities in Karnali Province through enhancing local business skill development and supporting green entrepreneurship, local value chains are strengthened to promote local production and consumption. The project has targeted to provide business incubation services to 300 agri-entrepreneurs or ecopreneurs along with 40 business intermediaries focusing on creating environmentally sustainable businesses. The project is being implemented in seven municipalities and rural municipalities of Surkhet and Dailekh districts. This project has developed and implemented user-friendly digital resources and platforms Shikshya.org to assist farmers in their entrepreneurial journey and conducted bootcamp and supported to develop individual business to become entrepreneurs. In addition, the project is engaging with local and provincial governments, and private sectors to create a more favorable environment for the smallholder farmers and agri-business intermediaries.

    The key goal of the project is for smallholder farmers and agri-intermediaries to benefit from agri-business skills for improved livelihoods by developing an entrepreneurial skills. This has been achieved through various means, including online courses, boot camp training, mentorship, and exposure through exhibitions.

    Specifically, the project aims to work around three outputs for that purpose:

    1. Ecopreneurs and aspiring entrepreneurs benefit from an integrated, online business skill development course 
    2. Smallholder ecopreneurs and business intermediaries benefit from enhanced entrepreneurial skills and capacities for improving their livelihoods
    3. Ecopreneurs, business intermediaries and other value chain actors benefit from networking and linkages opportunities to offer improved services and foster business growth.

    2. Objectives of this assessment: 

    The assessment will aim:

    • To document the case stories related to project activities and approach in the form of video (not more than 7 minutes) and 15 small bites (note more than 1 minute).
    • To develop the case stories booklets for printing.
    • To document in the form of photo story.

    3. Scope of the study:

    The study's scope is collecting and finalizing fifteen case stories (focusing on communities, local stakeholders and different groups) and 50 high quality photos from the project area based on agreed methodology. The study covers seven municipalities/rural municipalities of Surkhet and Dailekh district, where the project is being implemented. In addition, publication of the case stories in English and Nepali language and preparing the photo documentation based on selected photos, will be the other area of involvement. The consent form will be used to capture the community voices and photos.

    4. Methodology 

    The methodology of the assignment will be as follows:

    a) Preparatory phase: The preparatory phase includes i) desk review of project documents and report ii) start-up meeting between WHH Nepal staffs and partner (Youth Innovation Lab) iii) design and draft the actual plan including field work, iv) Meeting with the WHH Nepal to finalize the task framework and tool, outline the tools and template as required.

    b) Field work: The task team will visit project areas, observe project sites, and conduct relevant exercises like coordination with partner, interaction with local stakeholders, communities and relevant groups.

    c) Video editing and finalization: Video edits, narration, translation will be drafted by the consultant and presented to WHH for input and feedback that will be integrated into the final version compiled by the consultant.

    Drafting the documents: The task team will compile and consolidate relevant draft case story and photo stories and video material before final editing  The task team will submit final documents after incorporating their comments, if any

    5. Time Frame for assignment

    The assignment should be started after signing the contract and  be completed by 15 October 2024. The assignment consists of 20 working days.

    The consultant should submit the detailed workplan along with a technical and financial proposal and some previous relevant work experience.

    6. Study team.

    The consulting team will be led by a senior Professional with more than five years’ experience and expertise on case story collection, community voices, compilation, publication, Photography preferably working experience with development organization and I/NGOs. Familiarity with context of Karnali province will be an added value. The composition of the team should have the expertise of socio-economic context. The table below summarizes the role and responsibility of the task team.


    Position (no)

    Required qualifications and experience

    Assigned task


    Team Leader

    Minimum master’s degree in related field, with more than 5 years of experience, sufficient experience to document case stories, photo stories, video documentation, process documentation and development communication. S/he has strong knowledge of photography; videography; and socio-economic context.

    Lead case story revisiting and production, including design of methodology, field planning, and conduct the field documentation, supervision on information analysis, compilation of information of different theme and final document preparation. S/he must present the findings to the project team.


    Videography Experts (1)

    Bachelor’s degree in relevant field with five years’ experience. S/he must have strong knowledge of videography, editing, publication etc. Should have sufficient experience in publication of documentary in English subtitles related to development organization.

    Support to prepare the methodology and tools to the team leader and must lead videography component. Should be done for quality video capturing, reviewing for reporting. Participate in finding sharing meeting to project team and incorporate comments in findings.


    Photography Expert (1)

    Bachelor’s degree in relevant field with five years’ experience. S/he must have strong knowledge of photography, editing, publication etc. Should have sufficient experience in publication of document in English/Nepali related to development organization.

    Support to prepare the methodology and tools to the team leader and must lead photography component. Should be done for quality photo selection, capturing, reviewing for
    reporting. Participate in finding sharing meeting to project team and incorporate comments in findings.

    7. Deliverables

    The following deliverables will be expected:

    • An inception report including details methodology, tools and template and workplan.
    • Presentation of preliminary findings with WHH project team
    • Draft video with subtitles and photos with caption in separate file or photo stories  and case stories booklet.
    • Signed consent form from participants
    • A copy of final videos in high resolution, including appropriate format and size to be used in (social media/website) in a USB/pen drive.
    • Final Product incorporating inputs and design for print.

    8. Requirement

    Interested consultant/consulting firms should submit following documents, while sending their expression of interest (EoI).

    • Letter of expression of interest (EoI)
    • Technical and Financial proposal in separate file and folders
    • Firms’ Profile detailing the past assignments (at least one video document, photo case story and /or photo documentation)
    • CVs of all team member highlighting their areas of work and experience
    • Company registration certificate
    • Latest tax clearance certificate
    • VAT registration certificate (For both firms and individual consultants)

    1. Technical and financial offer

    Applicants have to provide the technical and financial offer.

    The technical part of the offer submitted by the consultants/consulting firm should comply with the Term of Reference. It should also include a brief description of the overall design and methodology of the assignment and a workplan/adaptations to the workplan at hand.

    The financial part includes a proposed budget for the complete assignment. It should state the fees per working day (plus the respective Tax/VAT, if applicable), the number of working days proposed and other costs.

    Proof of professional registration and taxation is also required (e.g., by providing the consultant (s)/consulting firm’s tax number).

    Following are the key considerations while preparing the budget:

    • All insurances are the responsibility of the consultant(s)/consulting firm.
    • Soft copies of relevant documents will be provided by Welthungerhilfe.
    • Welthungerhilfe and its partner organisations staff will facilitate community entry.

    Deadline for proposal

    The interested and qualified consultant/ consulting firm must submit their technical and financial proposal, including legal documents (registration & tax clearance in case of consulting firm and PAN/Vat registration card for individual) and CVs of key personals with by 17:00 hours (COB) dated 5th September 2024 via email address procurement.nepal@welthungerhilfe.de

    Only short-listed applicants will be contacted for further evaluation process. Welthungerhilfe Nepal reserves all the rights to reject any or all application without assigning any reasons.

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